You can easily start earning through one cryptocurrency called BAT (The Brave Attention Token). Just download the Brave browser, a private search engine and get paid to search. Every hour, you can have up to five ad notifications, for which you are paid to give your attention to via browsing. The payment is in BAT and you will find your earned BAT, plus each month's pending BAT, on the triangle icon on the right of the search bar.
To actually have them in a wallet, however, you will need to make an Uphold account, which you can connect to your brave browser once you've verified. Verification involves submitting government-issued ID (passport, driver's license, or other similar ID). University or Work ID cards aren't accepted. Digital copies or scans of your documentation aren't accepted either: the picture needs to be live, taken from within the mobile app or desktop browser, with the document physically in front of you. Ideally, there's no reflections in your documentation's picture. After that, Uphold requests you submit a selfie to confirm you, the user, match the photo of person in the documentation. If your submissions hold no issues, verification is completed within seconds. If there's issues, they'll get in touch with you within the week to inform you what went wrong and how to correctly re-verify.
Once you're verified with Uphold, you now have a digital cryptocurrency wallet, wherein which you can trade your BAT with other currencies within the app, send to other (external, digital, cryptocurrency) wallets, or withdraw your cryptocurrency to your bank account in your local currency.
With Brave, you can simply accumulate crypto over time with just browsing. In months, I had accumulated 50 BAT, which at the time of my Uphold wallet verification, was equivalent to approximately $17.
Uphold illustrates the market activity of each cryptocurrency and shows how your portfolio is performing overall (if it's grown or fallen in value in the last hour, day, week, month and year). Don't be concerned with the fluctuations too much as it's normal for it to move up and down, especially in the current climate (January 2021).
